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Light Nana

Nana figures are the unmistakable trademark of the artist Niki de Saint Phalle. As part of a school project, I designed my own figure that alludes to these iconic works of art. My creation consists of two glowing light bulbs that are thematically linked to feminism and proudly represent a self-confident woman.

Moon Witch

Inspired by a sketch, the idea of a moon witch was born, which is made of papier-mâché like a Nana figure. Its surface was artistically decorated with acrylic paints, giving it a special lustre and expression. The moon witch shines in mystical colours and radiates a mysterious aura that casts a spell over the viewer. Every brushstroke and every detail has been carefully executed to express the fascination and magic of the moon witch. She embodies the mystical beauty of the moon and awakens the imagination in a wondrous way.




Clay figures

Flower lamp

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